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Our Mission:


The mission of the Diversified Greek Council (DGC) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is to promote collaboration for the purpose of uniting Greek organizations. The Council serves as a governing body to convene and regulate order among the organizations. Its purpose is to promote unity among all, whilst empowering and giving a voice to those cultures often silenced in history. Together the organizations that make up the DGC  strive to change the face of Greek Life, and bring about a generation of individuals devoted to Leadership, Scholarship, Service, and Brotherhood/Sisterhood. 

How to Join the Diversified Greek Council:


Each culturally based fraternity and sorority brings in new members at various times of the year through a process call Membership Intake. Each organization within Diversified Greek Council has different requirements for membership, and each conducts intake on its own schedule. Some organizations conduct intake each semester; others do so only once a year. Organizations conducting Membership Intake may host a meeting in which criteria for membership is explained. These are usually publicized via flyers on campus. Research different organizations and reach out!

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